This really shows a lot of stupidity. If they wanted their own show so bad, they need to do a little research on what's selling. With 2 kids, they are way short to rival the likes of Jon & Kate and the Duggars.
But they did get their names on national tv, more than likely ruining any chance at "real" celebrity.
clipped from

Papers: Wife says 'balloon boy' was hoax

Washington (CNN) -- The wife of a Colorado father at the center of the "balloon boy" saga told authorities that the giant helium balloon was specifically created for a hoax to draw media attention, according to court documents released Friday.

Mayumi Heene told Larimer County investigators that she and her husband, Richard Heene, knew that their 6-year-old son, Falcon, was hiding at their Fort Collins home the entire time, even as police and military scrambled to search for the boy, according to the documents.

The admission by Mayumi Heene was made October 17, just two days after the balloon was released, according to the documents.

The couple hatched the plan about two weeks before the incident and "instructed their three children to lie to authorities as well as the media regarding this hoax," according to the documents.

Their motive? To "make the Heene family more marketable for future media interests."

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