I'm participating in NaNoWriMo for the first time. This is an annual writing challenge which draws thousands and thousands of people. I had heard of NaNo several years before, but never did do it. It seemed like something always came up. Basically, just life. I realized this year that life is always going to come up and decided to take a risk and go for it.
The goal is to write 50, 000 words in the 30 days that make up the month of November. You have from the very first minute of November 1st until the very last minute of the 30th to get those words in. They don't have to be perfect words and you don't have to finish your novel. You just got to get them down. 50,000 words seems like an overwhelming amount of writing to me - yikes! But, if I don't try I will never know if I could do it or not. And that is one major thing that is on my bucket list is to write a book. So here goes........

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